
Shortlist Leo Waaijers Open Science Award 2024

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Voor de eerste Leo Waaijers Open Science Award – een prijs van de UKB met als doel Open Science te stimuleren – zijn twintig nominaties van hoge kwaliteit ingezonden. Dit laat zien dat er veel en uiteenlopende Open Science-initiatieven worden ontplooid. De jury heeft de nominaties beoordeeld op vier criteria: gedurfd, inspirerend, vernieuwend en impactvol/mobiliserend. Op basis daarvan heeft de jury drie nominaties op de shortlist voor de Award geplaatst.

  • Anna van ’t Veer – Researcher, teacher, and community manager focused on Open and Responsible Scholarship, initiator of the Leiden OS community and active as chair of the board of the national network of OS communities (OSC-NL)
  • Pavlo Bazilinskyy – Researcher in automotive research with several Citizen Science projects with thousands of participants
  • Team CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition – Fully open edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, aimed at accelerating the global transition to open research information

Op 22 oktober zal de dochter van Leo Waaijers namens het UKB Bestuur op het Open Science Festival in Maastricht de prijs uitreiken aan de winnaar.

Twenty high-quality nominations have been submitted for the first Leo Waaijers Open Science Award – a UKB award aimed at promoting Open Science. This demonstrates the variety of Open Science initiatives being undertaken. The jury assessed the nominations based on four criteria: bold, inspiring, innovative, and impactful/mobilising. On this basis, the jury shortlisted three nominations for the Award:

  • Anna van ‘t Veer – Researcher, teacher, and community manager focused on Open and Responsible Scholarship, initiator of the Leiden OS community and active as chair of the board of the national network of OS communities (OSC-NL)
  • Pavlo Bazilinskyy – Researcher in automotive research with several Citizen Science projects with thousands of participants
  • Team CWTS Leiden Ranking Open Edition – Fully open edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking, aimed at accelerating the global transition to open research information.

The final winner will be presented with the prize on 22 October at the Open Science Festival in Maastricht by Leo Waaijers’ daughter, on behalf of the UKB Board.