
OCLC onderzoeksrapport over OA discovery

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“Improving Open Access Discovery for Academic Library Users” is een studie naar strategieën om wetenschappelijke, peer-reviewed open access (OA) publicaties beter vindbaar te maken voor bibliotheekgebruikers. De bevindingen zijn gebaseerd op onderzoek uitgevoerd bij zeven SHB en UKB instellingen in Nederland. Bibliotheekmedewerkers werden geïnterviewd over hun inspanningen rond OA discovery en bibliotheekgebruikers werden geënquêteerd over hun ervaringen met OA. De synthese van deze bevindingen maakt inzichtelijk waar kansen liggen om OA discovery te verbeteren. De studie is tot stand gekomen en uitgevoerd in samenwerking met SHB en UKB, in het kader van het Open Access Discovery project.

Lees meer over het rapport:

OCLC research report on OA discovery

Improving Open Access Discovery for Academic Library Users” is a study into strategies to make scholarly, peer-reviewed open access (OA) publications more discoverable for library users. The findings are based on research conducted at seven SHB and UKB institutions in the Netherlands. Library staff were interviewed about their efforts around OA discovery and library users were surveyed about their experiences with OA. The synthesis of these findings provides new insights in the opportunity to improve OA discovery. The study was designed and carried out in collaboration with SHB and UKB, in the context of the Open Access Discovery project.

Read more about the report: