Research Data


The UKB Research Data working group aims to build, exchange and share knowledge together with the RDM community in the universities. The members of the working group are actively involved in supporting and training researchers, and they contribute to policy-making and new facilities within their own institutions. These members are well informed about developments at other universities – partly thanks to the working group – and they are able to identify opportunities for collaboration or improvement of their own processes. The topics discussed are in line with the UKB ambitions and broader developments in the field of RDM and Open Science.


The Research Data working group meets on average four times a year for consultation, face-to-face as much as possible and online if it cannot be avoided. In each session, the members exchange knowledge and experiences focusing on a particular theme. They also explore how the insights gained can be used in practice. Other colleagues who do not belong to the working group may also join. If necessary, the group invites representatives of other organisations in the field of research data, such as LDCCs, TDCCs, LCRDM, NPOS, and NWO.

Themes that were discussed in the past include the RDM landscape and the role of the University Library, NWO policy and data management planning, community building, RDM training, DMP templates, metadata and interoperability, terms of use and licenses for data, integration of GDPR, ethics and DMP, data curation, the role of the data steward, and collaboration between central and faculty data stewards. Reports, presentations and overviews of the activities can be found in the working group’s Teams folder.


The working group consists of 14 members, one representative from each University Library and a liaison on behalf of the UKB board The working group elects a chair from among its members.

Zafer Ozturk – University of Twente
Maarten van Bentum – University of Twente
Welmoed Bekius – University of Groningen
Dafne Jansen – Utrecht University
Irene Verhagen – Wageningen University and Research – chair
Liz Ramirez Guzman – Eindhoven University of Technology
Petra Ploeg – Tilburg University
Jolien Scholten – VU Amsterdam
Femmy Admiraal – Leiden University
Stijn de Laat – Radboud University Nijmegen
Madeleine de Smaele – TU Delft
Karin Beijering – Radboud University Nijmegen
Pedro Hernandez Serrano – Maastricht University
Paul Plaatsman – Erasmus University Rotterdam

UKB liaison: Paul Hofman – Eindhoven University of Technology


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