The UKB/SHB Information Literacy working group deals with all aspects in the field of information literacy. Its ambition is to raise the support of information literacy to a higher level nationally through collaboration and the open sharing of knowledge and educational materials.
Fields of interest
- Quality and standardisation of the field of information literacy: this includes translating professional developments into educational practice, didactics, testing and making the effectiveness of training courses measurable
- Sharing and developing educational materials
- Knowledge sharing and communication: alongside sharing knowledge via the website, the working group also organises workshops/webinars and the semi-annual LOOWI meeting.
For more information about the ambitions, activities and planning of the Information Literacy working group, please download the Ambition Plan 2021-2024 and the Annual Plan 2025 (in Dutch).
Current projects
- Information Literacy Edubadges: Edubadges are digital certificates that can be used to demonstrate that someone possesses certain knowledge or skills. Information Literacy is one of the skills for which badges can be awarded. In this project, we are working on cross-institutional badges. More information can be found here.
- Sharing Educational Materials for Digital Skills: In order to create the broadest possible support subject, we are working together in this project with the UKB Digital Scholarship and Research Data working groups, the UKB/SHB Open and Online Education Libraries working group (B-OOO) and the working groups HBO-DCC and LCRDM The project includes creating a taxonomy and a quality model. More information can be found here.
Completed projects
Read more on the working group’s website (in Dutch)
The working group consists of twelve representatives from universities and universities of applied science. In addition, the working group has an ‘outer ring’ that consists of contact persons from all higher education institutions.
- Martijn Kleppe – KB Den Haag – UKB liaison
- Gerdie Limonard – Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – SHB liaison
- Harrie van der Meer – Universiy of Amsterdam/Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – chair
- Monique Schoutsen – Radboud University – deputy chair
- Lieke Haverkort – Politieacademie Apeldoorn – secretary
- Henrietta Hazen – Maastricht University
- Leonie Kamminga – Wageningen University & Research
- Kim Dibbets – Vrije Universiteit
- Marie-Louise Goudeau – Universiteit Utrecht
- Yvonne Schuling/Monika Sieron – Hanzehogeschool
- Nikki Hooijerink – Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen
- Maaike Verweij – Hogeschool Utrecht
- Simone Kloetstra – NHL Stenden Hogeschool
- Mariëtte Vissers – Avans Hogeschool
- Brenda Lems – Hogeschool Rotterdam