

The licensing working group represents the interests of UKB institutions in negotiating Read and Publish deals and Read contracts with publishers. By entering into licences as a consortium, UKB aims to increase the availability of digital scholarly information at the most favourable terms.

Obviously, price is an important aspect, but in addition these terms also cover other aspects, such as text and data mining, AI, reuse in education, quality of metadata, method of authentication, etc. UKB attaches importance to public values such as autonomy and justice: can everyone have equal access and is one independent in using the information for research and education?

The Working Group Licenses is the point of contact for the SURF Team Content that draws up and manages the contracts for UKB.


Alie Bijker – Groningen University
Irene Haslinger – TU Delft
Kurt De Belder – Leiden University
Lieuwe Kool – University of Amsterdam
Matthijs van Otegem – Utrecht University, chair
Marcel Ottenbros – University of Amsterdam
Lynn van Altena – Radboud University Nijmegen
Arjan Schalken – UKBsis
Sandra Ehrens – Maastricht University
Carlijn Postma – Eindhoven University of Technology
Matthijs Holwerda – Erasmus University Rotterdam
Ans ter Woerds – SURF
John Janssen – SURF
Oncko Heldring – SURF
Bas Ettema – SURF
Inez Westermann – SURF
Inge De Bruyne – secretary


Further Information