Digital Services


The Digital Services working group (formerly the Digital Library Innovation working group) monitors innovative developments, initiates initiatives for cooperation in this area and prepares policy in the field of innovation in the digital library.
Service innovation may vary from library to library, but many innovations relate to similar services. In these areas, cooperation can improve the quality of the innovations implemented and allow for innovations to be implemented more efficiently.
The international webscale environment of the digital library requires interoperability, working with international standards and integration of services. This will broaden the basis for cooperation in this area.Op die manier wordt samenwerking op dit gebied makkelijker.


Gert Jan Boers – University of Twente
Lineke Klunder_Roepers – University of Twente
Joost van Ingen – Wageningen University & Research
Jorik Booij – Wageningen University & Research
Ger Potze – VU Amsterdam
Josefien – University of Amsterdam
Richard Broekman – Tilburg University
Caroline Coeleman – Radboud Universiteit
Gerard Bierens – Radboud Universiteit
Hugo de Krijger – Leiden University
M.E. Folgering-van der Vliet – University of Groningen, chair
Antoinette Verstraelen – Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Marianne Renkema – Utrecht University
Dennis Eijsten – National Library of the Netherlands
Maarten Seegers – Maastricht University
Ivo Zelis – Maastricht University
Vacature – TU Delft
Jos Westerbeke – Erasmus University Rotterdam

UKB liaison: vacature